sabato 9 giugno 2018

Propuesta Modelado 3D


Para la realización del modelo 3D nos referimos a la bibliografía existente y los hallazgos arqueológicos.

Gracias a los hallazgos de Pompeya hemos estabilido las decoraciones de las paredes y el color de los muros exteriores.

Mientras que para los mosaicos nos basamos en el texto de Margherita Carucci - The Romano African Domus, que establece que:


“The function of the vestibulum as a waiting-area is unmistakably clear in the presence of benches, which offered a place to sit”

“The large number of clientes received daily required magnificent vestibula, which served also as an immediate declaration of the patronus' power and status”

“"A review of the decorative layouts of the spaces forming the entrance area in Romano-African houses shows that they were usually not paved with mosaics or, if decorated,they showed very simple designs. ...Most of the vestibula listed in the catalogue do not show any trace of floor mosaic: a layer of concrete or of limestone with equally-sized slabs of stone...A group of the vestibula listed in the catalogue were carpeted with mosaics showing very simple geometric designs... the pattern consisted of a black and white grid of squares containing stylised flowers."


"Some other courts were entirely paved with mosaics, which emphasized the architectural layout of the peristyle... The arrangement of paved courts seems to draw upon older traditions of Greek...In some examples of African peristyle, the central court was decorated with figured mosaics, while geometric and/or floral designs floored the ambulatory. The choice reflects the nature of the spaces: figured scenes tend to impose specific view points and were suited to enclosed spaces into which people looked; geometric and floral patterns,on the other hand, were suited to areas of passage, as they did not present any focus on which viewers would linger and were capable of endless extension."


"A review of the figured mosaics decorating the main triclinium shows a preponderance
of Dionysiac motifs."
"The representation of mythological creatures and realistic activities in mosaics decorating dining rooms raises the question whether the marine subjects were chosen by the house-owner as a message of his prosperity and well being or as allusion to his activities."

Vista General:



Peristilio pequeño


Peristilio desde el Vestibulo





 Detalle tejas




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